Tuesday 28 September 2010

Skillz Profile: Stuff I'm Good At ;)

Yo! Before I start this Blog I better clarify the things I can do already:


Well sir, I started using Photoshop back when I was in year 10 and we had to create an interactive game in Macromedia DreamWeaver. Ever since then I have used Photoshop so much in my daily life that it has almost become second nature to me. (I'm not trying to sound big headed here) However there is still much I have yet to learn and I realise I have developed some bad traits as I have learnt more recently in my I-media lessons.

I still have my project from year 10 so I'll upload a few pictures here.

I took Media Studies for GCSE so Photoshop was an invaluable companion for that course. I'll post some Pictures of my media work here as well.

I also enjoy film making and I use Adobe Premier to make most of my films. I have a feeling that my knowledge of Premier will be very useful. I took film studies at A level and I actually won some awards for films that I made.

I enjoy art and like painting whenever I get the chance so while i'm tooting my own horn I may as well upload some pics I drew:

So that's pretty much my interests. I think they will come in use for this course, and now onto the blog!